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  • May Newsletter 2019

    Wednesday, May 1, 2019   /   by Leticia Almaro Nicolini

    May Newsletter 2019

    A Real Estate Team that Gives Back to the Rotary of Concord

    Happy May! This is the month when flowers bloom and Mothers are celebrated around the world. My Mom used to tell me, everyday, make your bed, eat your vegetables and wash your hands. At the time, I did not understand why she had so many rules. However, looking back on it all these many years later, I can see that she wanted me to be healthy and happy. Every caring Mother is a Wise Woman, which is why we carve out an entire day to celebrate them. However, we are not the only ones celebrating and helping Mothers, Rotary Club of Concord and Rotary International are as well. Rotary makes high-quality health care available to vulnerable mothers and children so they can live longer and grow stronger. They expand access to quality care, so mothers and children everywhere can have the same opportunities for a healthy future.

    So here is a shout out to all Mom’s – Happy Mother’s Day!!

    To learn more about how YOU can make a DIFFERENCE by simply referring anyone you know that is looking or considering buying/selling check out our newsletter. Just click on the image below and learn more about how easy it is to give back!


    This year’s Windermere Community Service Day is Friday, June 7th. If you or anyone you know would like to join us please contact me for details. Thank you!

    Just click on the image below and learn more about how easy it is to give back!

    Thank you,